Kamu mau jualan online tapi gak punya produk? Daftar aja di sini
Puluhan Jaket bandung siap jual dengan harga yang kompetitif.
Kamu bisa up keuntungan sebesar 30% lho.
Tunggu apalagi, segera instal dan daftarkan kamu menjadi Reseller Kami!
Untuk membangun komitmen dan kerja sama yang baik, silahkan dibaca dan pahami dengan baik
Syarat & Ketentuan:
- Jujur, sabar, dan bisa menjalin kerjasama dengan baik
-Sebagai wujud feedback yang baik, support kami dengan memberikan Rate Bintang 5 beserta ulasan terbaik di Playstore
Info Produk :
- Katalog produk hanya di aplikasi
- Harga yang tertera di aplikasi sudah reseller / dropship, silahkan mark-up harga sendiri sesuai keuntungan yang diinginkan
Pengiriman dari Kota Bandung – Jawa Barat
Via expedisi (JNE / J&T express)
Senin – jum’at (Tanggal merah libur)
Konfirmasi pembayaran sebelum jam 12.00 wib, masuk pengiriman hari yang sama, maksimal H+2 (Tidak termasuk hari libur)
Proses pickup barang sore – malam hari
Resi pengiriman di share via aplikasi keesokan hari (jadi tidak perlu diminta)
You want to sell online but don't have a product? Just sign up here
Dozens of Bandung Jackets are ready to sell at competitive prices.
You can profit up to 30%.
What are you waiting for, immediately install and register yourself as our Reseller!
To build commitment and good cooperation, please read and understand well
Terms and conditions:
- Honest, patient, and can cooperate well
-As a form of good feedback, support us by giving a 5-Star Rate along with the best reviews on Playstore
Product Info:
- Product catalog only in the application
- The price stated in the application is reseller / dropship, please mark-up the price yourself according to the desired profit
Delivery from Bandung City - West Java
Via expedition (JNE / J & T express)
Monday - Friday (Red date off)
Payment confirmation before 12:00 p.m., same day delivery, maximum H + 2 (excluding holidays)
The process of pickup of goods late in the evening
Delivery receipt is shared via application the next day (so there's no need to ask)